How To Be A Better Husband?
“And among His Signs is this that He
created for you wives (spouses) from among yourselves, that you may find repose
in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are
indeed signs for people who reflect.” (Aayah No. 21, Surah Ar-Rūm, Chapter No.
30, Holy Qur’an)
above Ayah shows a creation of life partners for humans, who belong to the same
kind, is a great favor of Allah to them. He created life partners in order to
make life easier for human beings. Allah has also mentioned the rights of the
wives which are the duties of husbands and the rights of husbands or duties of
wives in order to maintain the balance between them and to create ease for
them. Husbands are entitled with many duties according to the Quran and sunnah
and a good husband will fulfill most of them. The rules of how to be a better
husband are mentioned as follows and are supported by Hadiths and Ayahs.
A good husband is obliged to give
mahr to his wife as Allah says in the Quran;
“And give to the women their Mahr with a good heart; but if they, of
their own good pleasure, remit any part of it to you, take it and enjoy it
without fear of any harm.” (Aayah No. 4, Surah An-Nisa’, Chapter No. 4, Holy
is supposed to merrily give mahr to his wife however if the wife herself do not
want to take it from husband, then the husband is free to keep mahr. But it
must be kept in mind that nobody should force the wife to waive off the mahr.
good husband should treat his wife with affection and should avoid molesting
her both physically and mentally. Allah has forbidden men from harassing their
wives in Quran. Holy Prophet (S.A.W) also ordered men to treat their wives
benevolently. Husbands were ordered by Muhammad (S.A.W) to take care of their
wives. Those husbands, who treated their wives badly, were condemned by Holy
Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). Islam fully teaches us how to be a better
husband. On the occasion of his last pilgrimage, He (S.A.W) said;
“You must treat your women folk
well!! You must treat your women folk well!” (Muslim and al-Tirmidhi).
(S.A.W) also said
“The best of you is the one who is
best to his family, and I am the best of you to my family.” (al-Tirmidhi and
Ibn Majah, Sahih)
is the responsibility of a good husband to make a livelihood for himself and
his family and to guard his wife against all the difficulties, the evil eye of
the people and respect her.
says in Quran
“Men are the protectors and maintainers
of women because of what Allah has preferred one with over the other and
because of what they spend to support them from their wealth.” [Sûrah
al-Nisâ’: 34]
husbands are advised to help their partners in the household work. Allah's
messenger (S.A.W) used to assist his wives when at home and also advised the
other Muslim men to do so. He (S.A.W) once said;
"By assisting your wives in
their household matters you men receive the reward of sadaqah."
Hazrat Aisha was asked by sahabah that what Rasulullah (S.A.W) does when at
home. Hazrat Ayesha replied that He (S.A.W) would help us with the households.
Thus, this shows the importance of helping women at home and it shows that men
are encouraged by Islam to help their wives
at home. Thus we can see that the messenger of Allah himself set a great
example of how to be a better husband.
from the above Hadiths and Ayahs clearly show how to be a better husband.